Interview Preparation Corner

Unsupervised Learning

This section covers concepts from Dimensionality Reduction, Autoencoders, PCA, Clustering, KMeans, Recommendation System topics

Tree Based Methods

This section contains questions from Decision Trees, Bagging, Boosting, Random Forest, XGBoost, Adaboost, Gradient Boosting

Support Vector Machines

This Q&A covers fundamental concepts of Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Support Vector Regression (SVR). It includes topics such as the maximal margin classifier, hyperplanes, margin optimization, support vectors, and kernel functions. Additionally, it explores the differences between SVM and SVR, including their applications, loss functions, hyperparameters, and how they handle non-linear boundaries and outliers.


This section covers key SQL topics like data retrieval, string manipulation, joins, subqueries, sorting, filtering, and aggregation using functions like COUNT and GROUP BY. It also explores advanced operations like ranking, conditional logic, and handling duplicates, essential for data analysis.


Questions from probability, conditional probability, bayes theorem, total probability etc

Performance Metrics

Covers questions from Regression Metrics, Classification Metrics, Loss Functions, Objective Functions, Clustering Metrics

Information Theory

This section covers KL-Divergence Theorem, Entropy, Information Gain, Gini Impurity etc.

Inferential Statistics

This section covers Point Estimation, Interval Estimation, Hypothesis Testing and Inference for Relationship

Convolution Neural Networks

This is a comprehensive set of questions related to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), covering various aspects from convolution operations to fine-tuning pre-trained models and neural style transfer. Each question is well-defined, and the use of images and code snippets adds depth to the understanding of the concepts.

Computer Science Questions

This section covers key computer science concepts, including recursive functions, sorting algorithms, and subsequence problems. It also explores matrix multiplication optimization, numerical stability in deep learning, and the benefits of GPUs versus TPUs. Additionally, it addresses practical challenges like dynamic memory management and file similarity filtering.